Shows that I'm anxiously waiting to come back either on the air/ to start the first season/ to just come on.
-Dark Blue (which is basically a crime/drama show that I completely engross myself in every time it comes on)
-100 Bullets (not sure what's going on with the production, however I have seen it advertised so I sure hope it comes to fruition)
-The Walking Dead (this show can't come any sooner since it's debut is in October, I assume because of Halloween, and I'm practically dying for it :D)
-Law and Order (This is by far my favorite show, even though I don't agree with some of the political undertones it keeps me entertained. I'll even watch re-runs to get my fix @.@)
The history of my life as it unfolds daily (hopefully kept up to date). I'll be mentioning things that I like, and things that catch my eye. I hope to write about things that, if you were to pause for an instant and read, didn't make you feel that it was a waste of your time.

- Man Without Fear
- My name is jeremy, and this is my blog. height: 6'3, weight: 231 Ib, green eyes, brown hair. I try to be a good person/man to everyone around me.. I give respect to those who warrant it or deserve it.. I'm a person of simple tastes. to past the time I don't mind reading, watching movies, working out, conversation, or listening to music
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