Well...it's been awhile...I figured since I was writing for myself...hell...I've always been writing for myself seeing as how I'm just some dude on the internet to most people, and like most...I have access to the internet so why not use it as I see fit...and that's what has led me here...I guess :D
I have new resolutions this year..I'm not going to get any specifics since they're for me alone, however I've been doing good so far, and I've been having a pretty good time these passed 2 months. Finally transferring, and all I need to do is finish some papers and i'm good to go. i've been doing better with my money, and that's always a good thing. Where..before I'd think I liked something so I just got it, and now I analyze whether or not I just like it because it looks good, do I see myself still being interested in the long run, and I've been usually saving more money by thinking a lot more about buying things.
changed comic stores... got tired of being talked down to (which is weird...wouldn't the person want to keep customers and not drive them away?), got tired of ordering things and they never come in, just got tired of the attitude...I have enough on my plate..why deal with other peoples' b.s. and I gotta say i'm happy about the change. shopped at the store for almost 10 years, and i'm treated like some stranger just walking through sometimes wtf is with that. eh. it's over..moving on.
The history of my life as it unfolds daily (hopefully kept up to date). I'll be mentioning things that I like, and things that catch my eye. I hope to write about things that, if you were to pause for an instant and read, didn't make you feel that it was a waste of your time.

- Man Without Fear
- My name is jeremy, and this is my blog. height: 6'3, weight: 231 Ib, green eyes, brown hair. I try to be a good person/man to everyone around me.. I give respect to those who warrant it or deserve it.. I'm a person of simple tastes. to past the time I don't mind reading, watching movies, working out, conversation, or listening to music
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