Today, God's message to you is that all things are possible for those who believe. Faith is sometimes the only thing you have, but what a gift it is. With faith you can press on in the midst of adversity. Have faith, and it will light your path.
Well...this past week has been very eventful. Haven't really had a day off, but in a way that's good... I'm keeping busy. Work is going alright. I've had some work and that's better than no work.
No google... I will not give you my mobile number.
The summer is almost over... school is almost back in session. With work and school... it's going to be a GRIND. Hope everyone is doing well. Keep safe. It aint' easy being easy. -Lone Wolf signing out.
The history of my life as it unfolds daily (hopefully kept up to date). I'll be mentioning things that I like, and things that catch my eye. I hope to write about things that, if you were to pause for an instant and read, didn't make you feel that it was a waste of your time.

- Man Without Fear
- My name is jeremy, and this is my blog. height: 6'3, weight: 231 Ib, green eyes, brown hair. I try to be a good person/man to everyone around me.. I give respect to those who warrant it or deserve it.. I'm a person of simple tastes. to past the time I don't mind reading, watching movies, working out, conversation, or listening to music
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